Thursday, July 27, 2006
So here's a post on my thoughts about love. I may be waxing a little poetic here, and if you don't like it, surf off. I have thought about this alot since I'm going through a divorce. Love has two stages if you will. The first stage is kissing, holding hands, gazing into each others eyes, going to movies, dates, sharing milkshakes, and sex. This is the EASY part. This first stage is fun and enjoyable. The second stage is harder and ultimately more rewardable. This consists of waking up next to someone who has morning ugliness and breath, dealing with quirks and pet peeves, caring for someone when they can't care for themselves, doing things you don't want to do just because the other person wants to or needs to do. People just don't want to go out of their way to care for someone else. When the fun of stage one goes away or the hardships in stage two get burdensome people run from committment. They want the rewards of stage two but have no desire to go through the work to get it. They then settle for the easy and low reward stage one because they don't want to expend any more energy than they must. It's so sad. Those who enjoy both stages enjoy a more fullfilling relationship. Oh well I guess as humans we are all just too lazy.


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