Monday, September 25, 2006
It's Official: My Job Sucks
We had suspicions before, but now there is no doubt. To give you a little information needed for this story I have to tell something about myself. I sleep walk. I also talk in my sleep. I do lots of things in my sleep, but apparently nothing very useful. I would love to wake up in the morning with all my laundry done. Alas that never happens. I do, however, tend to reset my alarm or plain turn it off in my sleep.

That is exactly what I did on Saturday. I eventually woke up about 15 minutes before I had to be at work. This is not usually a very big deal. I rushed to get my morning ablutions done and hurried into work. I was expecting my coworker to be there already. Oops, my bad.

The guy that was supposed to be in at 9 A.M. as well hadn't made it in yet. I was 20 minutes late and now I knew we were both in deep. I opened up the store and got reamed by my boss on an open radio channel.

That is why I hate my job. Instead of calling me like he should have done, my boss radioed to my store on a channel that, not only is broadcast in my store, but also in two other stores. It was a public dressing down and I am adamantly against those.

What happened to my coworker? Nothing. He walked in about three minutes after I got there. His excuse? He got lost on his way to work. Yeah. Lost. He's been working here for over a month. That isn't even the kicker. He walks to work. But wait, there's more. I could throw a rock from the store and hit his house. He. Got. Lost. Either he is the dumbest person on the face of the Earth, or he is so bad at lying a four year old could call him out. I'm thinking a bit of both.


I have to be honest... for a minute I was going to ask you why the hell your boss has radios in his store... then I remembered where you worked.

Fucking duh.

He's an idiot. Don't mind him.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bro, you deserve an Office Space style "Damn it feels good to be a gangster" moment. Or maybe a good old fashioned "Take this job and shove it" would help.

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