Friday, September 15, 2006
Just Call Me Bella
Since I really don't have much to post today I'll let you in on a secret.

First, though, I want to say hey to my visitors from NYC Watchdog. He pimps harder than any other I've seen for his renters and it is much appreciated.

Ok. On to the secret. The Antichrist My ex used to have an online magazine called Simming Monthly. She was HUGE into The Sims 2. She had an article in there titled Ask Bella. It was sort of a twisted kind of Dear Abby for your sims. People would write in asking questions for their sims and Bella would answer. She usually wasn't very nice.

Well. I was Bella. At least I was until my wife left. I think I did through November or December. It was fun, I have to admit. I could be nasty and mean and I was just writing to fictional characters in a game. Maybe I'll start a blog answering questions like Bella.

Maybe not. It's too much work and I'm sure someone else is already doing it. Anyway, now you know. I masqueraded as a fictional female character answering letters from fictional characters for an online magazine about a game.

Wow doesn't sound very impressive when I put it that way. If that's my fifteen minutes of fame I want my money back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm here via NYC Watchdog. You're right, he is a good pimp. Nice blog!

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