Monday, August 28, 2006
Why I Miss Montana

These are some pictures of sunsets I took in Montana. The first one was taken outside of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle I believe. I am not sure when I took it but it doesn't matter as it is just gorgeous. I don't usually take such good pictures but these just turned out great.

The last two are taken just outside of the front door of my workplace in Bozeman Montana in the late winter of 2004, March or April I think. The mountains are in the Bridger Range and are stunningly beautiful. I saw views like this every day for nearly 3 years. I was so stupid to move back to Illinois. I thought I'd share them as the remaining hot days of summer go by. That and one of my blogging friends put purdy pictures on her blog and I was jealous. I hope you enjoy them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might need to post some pictures of the traffic we have now as 374382354543 or so people have moved here in the last 2 years.

A month or so ago I was letting some people turn into a parking lot on oak, (by wal mart, as the traffic light was red on 7'th and I couldnt go anyway) and yes some punk started screaming and actually got out of his car and took a swing at me in my work truck.
What is wrong with this place? Yes the mountians are pretty, I just wish the people that moved here had the same respect that you and I do.. Most of them are from California and think that the world revolves around them.

On a better note.
I did catch the bastard's hand when he tried to hit me, and bent a couple of his fingers back until they snapped. So there was a little satisfaction at the end of a crappy day at work that ended in BOZO traffic.

I need to find a nice small town and start a flying service or something... Bozeman has gotten too much like LA or Chitown for me.

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