Tuesday, August 15, 2006
This is bound to be either a sappy love post or a love rant. Surf away if you need to but don't say you weren't warned.

Now that I'm going through one myself, I have been noticing all the people I know who are divorced. Holy Matrimony Batman, it's a ton of people! I most definitely know more divorced people than married once and forever people. Is the marriage commitment different than what I always believed? When I said all that stuff like until death, sickness, health and all I really meant it. Am I just an oldfashioned weirdo? Is my expectation of a lifelong partner so unrealistic? I refuse to believe that there are absolutely no women out there that would ever be interested in a forever commitment. I find the lack of solid relationships a scary fact. It seems that people just don't care enough about each other to really stick around. I respect couples who cohabitate for 30 years, heck even 10 years, more than I respect someone who marries then bolts, even more so if the bolter is also a cheater. I don't understand this penchant for short term relationships. When you get married you know the drill. You know the vows ahead of time. They don't spring them on you last minute. I knew what I was saying and I meant it. I suppose there will always be the jerks who change their minds about things. All I know is this is one of the most painful human trials and those who inflict this kind of pain on people should have to experience it for themselves at least once just to keep things even.


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