Saturday, August 26, 2006
Face Spackle
Kentucky Girl has accused me of being weird. I think I may just prove it here. I like the way women look when they wear very little or no makeup. I always thought that my exwife looked her cutest in the morning when she was bleary-eyed and fuzzy from sleep. Notice that is cutest not sexiest. I hate it when women goop their faces up with enough makeup that it is clearly visible from yards away. I think that the less makeup you can get away with the prettier you are. In a minimalist kind of way. I despise lipstick. I don't want my woman to look like she was just drinking blood or have neon pink lips. It just looks strange to me. I also hate having any of that crap on my lips after kissing. I don't use chapstick because it grosses me out. I can't stand having that greasy stuff on me. I don't want colored greasy crap on me either. Another makeup thing I really dislike is painted nails (fingers and especially toes). It really bothers me and I don't know why. My ex would paint with clear polish and that didn't bother me so it must be something about the color. The rest of the makeup spectrum really doesn't bother me all that much as long as it looks natural. So KG does this make me weird?


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